Saturday, July 5, 2014

Review Bunga Tangan Fresh Flowers

Hi All,

I am very certain on what I want.
Bak kate orang cerewet mak aihh..
haha.. so utk hand bouquet, I memang target nak jenis :

1. POSY SHAPE warna cream, yellow, green for solemnization.
2. CASCADING SHAPE for my Reception ala2 Scha Al-yahya hand bouquet time wedding dia.

So, untuk nikah I, i request pada Mila AAWD untuk bunga style posy shape, ikut tema color I.
and here below is the hand bouquet.
i suke betul dengan hand bouquet ni.. taktau apa jenis bunga yang kaler hijau tu.. tapi sangat like.
looks so classic and elegant HB I.
haha. Thanks Mila.

the hand bouquet

For my reception,at first i wanted Peonies. but to my suprise peonies ni mahal la nye woi.. i ada minta quotation price for peonies harga nye rm300 my gawd.. xsanggup babe nak spend rm300 for HB. kalau jenis kaya mak raya takpela nk tabur duit. bukan kate HB je peonies... habis satu pelamin, satu bilik tabur ngn peonies khennnnn!!..
so simpan jela niat nak berbungakan peonies. i go for another option. suka jugak.. style cascading. start minat tengok style cascading macam kate middleton pakai tu... mcm ni...
Cantik kan..?

but my wedding is purple color so i wanted my HB to be purple. and i teringatkan yang Scha Alyahya punye handbouquet was purple. and i penah puji and telek lama handbouquet dia. i terus i determined nak mcm Scha punyaaaa...cun kan jurai2 dia...

so i merisik florist2 yang boleh buat cascading flower. 
and end up i setuju to order with kak Renee. she quoted a price mampu milik. below RM200. With that she said she can do inspired one. because the daun yang jurai2 (green amaranthus) tu susah nak ada stock. and few days before the wedding kak renee inform i yang daun tu and wild orchid takda stock and she replace with other flowers.
so here is the results:
i like it! i like it!. it really stands out and match with my dress. thumbs up kak renee. the hand bouquet didn't dissapoint me. cantik sangat.. ramai yang teruja dengan handbouquet I time wedding tu..
but hell yeah... berat ok.! kene pegang dua tangan.. anyway, untuk pengetahuan uols, this cascading type of hand bouquet sangat bagus untuk yang nak nampak kurus sebab die menjurai ke bawah.. and posy round shape will give the round effects to u too.. means mok2.. hehe... 

For my bertandang, at first i dah ada dah artificial hand bouquet. but at the last minute, i ajak joe to go to Petaling Street and we bought some flowers, went to diy stores to get the flowers pliers, some pins and grab some brown twine strings, and head to our hotels that night and start doing my hand bouquet..
Joe tolong I pegang buat HB tu.. bukakkan kelopak bunga, pegangkan, bentukkan shape, and tolong i tie the hand bouquet. so voila hasilnya like below:

okla.. not bad la hasil tangan sendiri kan... last minute pulak tu... ouh modalnye RM50. i beli 1 bundle rose, 1 bundle carnation and 1 bundle baby breath. 

tu saje cerita pasal hand bouquet kali ni.. meowww

1 comment:

  1. ehh baru prasan ur post nih.. hehee.. aww thanks dear.. glad u liked the handbouquet.. :)
