Thursday, December 31, 2009

Zoo Negara!

hehe.. nasib kan sayang.. we made it to reach there at 3 pm sharp.. hehe... dpt tengok multi animal show. haha.. gile cute kan syg the California Sea Lion? hehe... suke! suke! suke sangat!.
fyi, the sea lion is 19 years old and weighed about 120kg! . oh my god! berat gile tuh.. hehe... suweet gile tgok how loyal he is to his instructor.. he wudnt take order from the audience.. only his instructor... i know dat he keeps repeating d same old act everyday. but yet i'm impressed of his
natural act. been blinded by his adorable cute looking.. ;) oh ya.. d name is
bad. :) and then we jalan2 in the zoo.. tgok other animals.. ni 2nd time we go kan syg. im looking
forward to go again.. boleh kan syg..? ;DD

bbq at casa villa

It was held in Casa Villa Condominium Kajang. a.k.a rumah sewa kawan2 ku tersayang. acece..
fasha, daos, radhie, joe, rina, iffat, aiman, sabrina, big show, ayie n ayie's fren. makan ayam. yummy.. fasha yg prepare d marinated chicken.. tp yg tukang gaul2 tu radhie.. maklumlah.. tangan die bak dtg besarnye.. hehehehe.. sedap...! macam satay rasa die... so then mcm biasalah.. betukar2 resipi la kan.. dh kater sedap.. mestilah aku sebok2 nak cube gak... hehe
lagi makan ape ye... lamb... udang die Oh My God! sedapp gile. juicy dowwhh.. menjilat jari..
yg kesiannye kitorang is.. arang tu cam taknak hidup je.. so... thank god ade portable gas cooker dat help us deep fried d chicken.. gile life saver. other wise mmg tak sempat la nak makan on time.. i had fun. BEST.! nanti kite wat lagi ehh..? ;))

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mencari Umah Sewa

23rd dis.

aku, aya, fiza decide nak cari je terus umah sewa. n coincidence nad ngn membe die lagi 2 org nak cari umah gak.. so... kitorang pon decide ahh nak join venture 6 org nak cari satu rumah.
gile vavi ahh proses mencari tu mmg WTF gile. penat nak mati. aku gerak dri puchong- shah alam je dh sejam. n imagine ahh aku lepak shah alam tu tawaf satu shah alam. dari kul 11 pagi sampai 7 mlm.
memula janji ngn nad n dyana nak tgu kat pntu blakang uitm.. dan berjumpe lah kami.
singgah 7e kat pusat komersial, tawaf2 area situ, pegi singgah 7e sek 2. dan makan kat RASA SAYANG. hehe. nad kate tu tempat faveret die makan. dh 3 tahun jadi regular kustomer kat situ. nie ayat die " kalau ko nak tau syaz, ni la kedai yg buatkan aku gemok mcm ni" hahhahaa... sumpah aku gelak2.

call sane call sini. sume la yg dikol.
memula dpt umah baekk punye kat danau mas. tapi owner cam sial. kalau boleh die nak 2-3 org je kat umah tu so dat die bleh turun situ weekend2 dgn partner die. padahal DAH KAWEN. WTF!!
ingat kitorang ni ape. kambeng itam? sorta nak coverline ko nak wat jahat. mmg bodo. aku harap konek ko tu kudis klo keje ko nak memantat je sial. bodoh!
kesian gile bini ko dpt laki cam ko. konon ahh "husband saya businessman, slalu turun kl-perak kl-perak." kepala hangguk ko la. tengok sikit ape laki ko wat kt kl tu.. hahaha... kesian....

n then kitorang ade choice lain, dpt kat sek 7.. flat.. block 7.. japgi die kate nak reserve tuk sedara die... putus harapan.. n finally nad tepikir pasal sek 19.. n tgok yg kitorang salin2 tu ade aptment komuter raya. last2 kitorang call owner n lucky us, among the 4th caller, we r the one that get the ouse sbb kitorang deposit dulu.. hehehehehe.
time tu dah pukul 7 dah. aku dah tak larat dah... mane2 pon jadi ahh

haha. den d next day aku ngan nad lepak shah alam agi.. jumpe la zahirah, ngn fateen dkat umah sewa dorang. den ade makcik yg flat sek 7 ni kol plak ckp org yg reserve tu cancel. so die tnye la kitorang nak ke tak umah tu.. hehe.. kitorang dah byr dah deposit macik.. macik lambat ahh...

tak cukup ngn tu... abah kol ckp mmbe die offer rumah kondo kat sri mahligai sek 9. 700 je.. ahh shit.. asal ahh abah tak cakap awal2.. mmg siot ahhh...

dilemma tak dilemma aku hari tu. mmg dilemma. tp bile kitorang lepak umah faten n zack tu. kitorang cam tak berapa nak minat dgn environment die. n decide on staying je at sek 19. maybe for only this 1st sem la kan.

hehe.. tapi bile dh jumpe owner kat umah tu... haaa.. amek kau... selesa nyeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... canteknyeeeeeeeee... ijauuuuuuuu kawwwwww... haha.. suke! suke..! dh tepikat plak ngn umah tu.. hehehe... tape2.. kite tgok nanti nanti camne. sek 19-uitm pintu depan tu about 5km je. habesss...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


u'r not my choice.
u'r my selection of choices
d fact is among the rest, u is d one dat i decided to choose.
but wat if wat i chose is not a best choice?
and even yet a better choice.?
i know i don't have dat variety of choices to be chosen
d question is r u d chosen one?
or is it just dat i'm too afraid in giving myself a chance to choose again?
or i might wonder wud there be another choice after u?
yes there will. but wud the choice is worth to choose?

u is d choice i ONCE find the best.
n i ONCE swear u is d choice dat i want n need until my last breath.
suck it up. im living my life with the choice i'd choose.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Finally Graduated ;)

i've check my result. tho susah gile nak bukak. tp kuatkan gak smangat nak check result nye pasal. quite dissapointed with my Maths result. but surely mmg takley buat pon ritu. so-so la kan asal kan lepas.


so now?? what?? ouh yea... dah apply dah degree uitm ritu... apply PHYSIC. actually nak physic industry. but for january intake takde plak.. so later on maybe tukar course. :)
and so currently tgh tggu result which mite be out on the 3rd week of December.
hopefully dapatla...
n for sure. abah and mama, i wanna stay in shah alam if dpt sana. i tamau ulang alik umah... HEAR ME!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My 1st post.

well. this is my very 1st post.
it take me a while to think wat to write.
cuz i;m pretty much like to keep it to my self; not to public.
but i guess dis blog wud be written something which i might one day reminiscing about.
peace out babeh!.

this is the moment we declared to be together.

its been almost 2 years. still standing. still counting. ;)