Monday, July 19, 2010

Charlie's Angel

I ade kucing baru.. so cute and adorable.. my dad got it from his fren. unfortunately, molly and jojo didn't welcome them very well.. a very long introduction session has failed. jojo still fierce them. mesti jojo and molly jealous tuan die dpat kucing baru kan.. mane boleh ade kucing lain yg berani menjejakkan kaki ke dalam rumah Ahmad Laya. kene face to face dulu dgn jojo...awwwrrrr!!! haha!! i didn't get it y diorang boleh get along with the hamster but not them. pelik betul.. padahal hamster tu spesies tikus la kan... boleh plak ngam.. but ngan sama spesies gile menyembur... ape2hal pon welcome Charlie and Angel. hope u guys will get along someday. To jojo and molly.-- my love to u will never fades away no matter how time pass us by... love u both muchie2. ;)

cute tak charlie?
kitorang. hehe

Monday, July 12, 2010

New Semester Begin

New semester, new hope and new intention. Jadual berterabur gila.. ulang alik jumpa ketua program nak ni nak tu.. damn tiring. then so malas nak update blog.

i've done watching Criminal Minds season 4. Hotch mati ke? nak tahu kenala proceed with season 5. jengjenglot!

Oh yeah i went to Usher's concert last week with Joe, Bella and Bell. It was a last minute plan... Bought a RM 98 ticket which seated us at so so distantly away from him. I can see a very very little tiny of him. hehe.. wat do ya expect for the cheapest ticket sold? ahh.. tak kesah.. it's Usher! Nak tahu tak.. Usher best gile kot.. Me and Bella histerically jumping up and down.. and left to right... hoh? haha.. ok ok enuf sed. here's picture.

A shot from the screen
And this is how small i practically sees him. derr..

its Us. :))

I say this is my other half? hehe..

Darl.. we have usher's tag! they sold it for RM10! jalan jauh sket dengar harga RM4. bongok!