Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Joe mok birthday

Lol.. yesterday i'm celebrating joe mok birthday..
well actually his birthday is on 25th Oct but i decided to celebrate early cuz by wednesday i will not be around kuala lumpur nemore.. balik kampungggggggg... eh excited plak.. lol..
salu takde pong excited gitu..
ask joe mok to choose which restaurant he wanted to eat and memula tu tahla takde idea la.. pastu tetiba nak bubba gump..
okla.. had to belanja him this time.. as his birthday treat..
firstly we went to buy movie tix.. tengok cite taken 2.. the continuation of taken.. cite yg anak die kene kidnap nak kene jual kat umh pelacuran tu... then bapak die gi cari anak die and selamatkan anak die... mmg awesome la bile bpk die able to find the daughter in a big city within 72 hours.
so then  taken 2 ni is about the family of the abductor taking revenge at his father because of the death of their family..
start2 cite ade bacaan yassin kat kubur... family2 org jahat tu tgh bersedih sbb kematian anak, suami, cucu cicit dorang mati sbb matsalleh tu bunuh... first impression mcm biasela.. yg jahat kidnap org tu org islam.. so kat situ nampak mcm org islam jahat je... mat salleh tu bunuh org jugak padahal.. tp die baik sbb die nak slamatkan anak die dr tgn org jahat tu..
lol.. ape2 jelah labu.. malas nak komen.. hakikatnye islam tu tak jahat pon.. manusia tu yg jahat..
so kali ni bapak die ngan mak die yg kene kidnap.. and tunjuk la mcm mane bapak die nye skill leh tahu kat mane location yg kidnapper tu bawak die even die nye kepala kene tutup dengan guni...
so kesimpulan die.. cite ni okla.. cakap kat joe mok.. "taken yg 1st lagi best i rse.." die pon setuju.. "biasala tu.. salu cite2 camni yang 1st memang lagi best.. continuation ni salu cam kurang sket"
hehe... tu je la.. nak cite.
tetibe saket paler dtg.. jap upload gambar jap..

Friday, October 19, 2012

Crest 3D Whitestrip Professional Effects

You can totally see how much whiter they are right?  This is after  20 treatments  total. Let me tell you a story about my teeth. 

i have yellow teeth due to my smoking condition and because i like to drink so much of tea. It took me quite awhile when i realize that my teeth are yellow. I started too worried and I felt shy to smile concerned that people will notice my unpleasant yellow teeth. and yeah.. i cannot pull off the look with a pale or rose color lipsticks as the color makes my teeth looks even more yellow. so, I went to the dentist at my University and got my teeth scaling and polishing but these procedures won’t make your teeth whiter as it only removes the plaque build up on your teeth but i absolutely felt that my teeth are cleaner than before and the service is FREE. I asked if the dental clinic at the university performs a teeth whitening but unfortunately they don’t and they told me i can get my teeth whiten at the private dental clinic but for one day in office treatment going to my cost me RM1400++ and added that most of private clinic would offer a whitening take home kit imported from US for RM250++. I was like whattttt????

anyway I did thinking on getting my teeth bleach with that take home kit as i could not afford to do the one day treatment but then i went googling on teeth whitening product and found this blue laser light whitening kit for RM50 and immediately bought them! i follow  the instruction manual which says I have to put a little product on the mouth trays and insert them in my mouth for 20-30 minutes along with the blue light laser. urghhhh.....I felt the 20 minutes was like hours. i surrendered on the 15. sigh.....Maybe because i have a smaller mouth and the blue laser device is big, so when i wore them my saliva oozing from the side of my mouth and I had to suck it back or constantly wipe. sucks tho....I cannot do anything else while wearing them, have to keep my mouth shut and it is such a hassle. I wore them about two times and started looking for other alternatives. 

My friend recommends me to rub charcoal on the teeth, rubbing on some baking soda mix with lime juice, banana peel, strawberry and many other natural ingredients. When i was doing the baking soda treatment i felt that my gum is burning and bleed. I figured these are due to the abrasive property that the baking soda have so i stop the treatment and again all these methods are a hassle to me. So then i thinking back on going to the private dental clinic to do the whitening take home kit but then i figured the take home kit is pretty much like the one i bought before.. i have to syringe off the gel onto the mouth tray and let it sit on my mouth for 90 minutes or overnight. 

And yeahhh so i changed my mind and again look for other alternatives and then i found out about crest white strips and looking into some testimony about them on youtube. To my surprise, many people have tried this product and succeed. They actually achieving the bright whiter pearly teeth but sadly this product are not sold in Malaysia. I made contacts with a friend from US to get me those. Once i received them, i immediately use them and I figured that it is user-friendly; I only have to simply take the strips off and attached them on my teeth waited for 30 minutes. It is really convenient.. i can do other things without concerning about it , i can even talk on the phone! i took pictures starting from day one until the 20 days treatment on the same room with the same lighting to observed the changes. After 3 days, i started noticing lighter shades on my teeth but i did experience discomfort on my teeth so i took an advice from a crest whitestrip user to use the sensodyne tooth paste for sensitive teeth to help reduce the discomfort. And it works!. I continued using the crest and completed the 20 days treatment and i’m very happy with the results. Now my teeth are whiter and i’m no longer shy to put up a smile. And i think this product is totally a catch. It is affordable, easy to use, it have enamel safe features and importantly it works.. no hassle. And here i’m showing you the before and after picture. You guys might wanna take a look. So thats all about it. Cheers peeps!

 before.. picture taken when i was in perhentian september last year.. wow.. its really that yellow my teeth there... captured under bright sunny day in the island. mind the tanning skin.. hehe..
after.. very recent.. picture taken in 3rd october 2012... before going out on a date with mr boyfie.. hehe.. anyway he noticed the whiter teeth.. i want him to wear them too as the guys teeth always much much more yellowish than us girl due to their heavy smoking condition.. 

here i zoom in a bit to compare the color..

hehe.. much different right? 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Resepi Ayam Penyet Wong Solo

Took me awhile nak compilekan resepi ni.. coz my friend ade yang mintak.. tp sbb bz sangat takde masa harini baru dpat compilekan.. i love to eat ayam penyet so so much.. especially wong solo punye.. mmg terbaik.. kdg2 kalau mengidam nak makan wong solo tu.. tak kira la hujan pon sanggup redah...
asalkan dpat makn.. then decided to make one at home.. banyak kali try jugak buat..so yang ni slightly the same with wong solo one... amik dari sane dari sini... tapi bab sukatan tu tak berapa nak sure la.. sbb salu masak mmg agak2 je... ok here it is...

Untuk Ayam
1 ekor ayam – potong 8 bahagian, rebus selama 10 minit dan toskan (simpan air rebusan ayam untuk buat sup)-kite guna air nie jgk utk masak nasik
½ sudu besar Jintan Manis – goreng tanpa minyak hingga naik bau
½ sudu besar Jintan Putih – goreng tanpa minyak hingga naik bau
3 sudu besar Biji Ketumbar – goreng tanpa minyak hingga naik bau
1 sudu besar Serbuk Kari Ayam
1 sudu besar Serbuk Kunyit
½ sudu besar Serbuk Lada Putih
3 ulas Bawang Putih
1cm Halia
Sedikit Air
1 sudu kecil Garam
Minyak masak untuk menggoreng

Untuk Sambal 

Segenggam cili padi merah
3 ulas bawang putih
tepung jagung secukup rasa 
2 sudu minyak masak

Untuk Nasi

2 pot beras rendam selama 2 jam
Sehelai daun pandan

Untuk Sambal Terung

3 biji cili merah*
segenggam ikan bilis*
4 ulas bawang merah*
3 ulas bawang putih*
1 inci belacan*
2 sudu besar cili kisar
air asam jawa
garam dan gula secukup rasa
terung panjang (belah 4, potong senget2)
minyak masak 4 sudu

Untuk sambal kicap

cili padi segenggam
3 ulas bawang putih
kicap ABC saus manis

Lain- Lain

tempe (potong kecik2)
tauhu (kalau yg tebal tu, bahagi dua then potong segitiga.. so dapat 4)
daun salad

Cara- cara menyediakan:-

Untuk ayam

1. Masukkan kesemua bahan (kecuali minyak masak) dalam pengisar, kisar hingga halus
2. Lumur bahan yang telah dikisar pada ayam dan perap semalaman.-perap lama2 cenggini 
3. (Simpan bahan kisar yang berlebihan untuk goreng tempe dan tahu.
4. Panaskan minyak dan goreng hingga garing.
Untuk Nasi

1. kukus nasi dlm loyang wat kek yg bulat tu.. kalau ade mangkuk kecik2 yg peniaga nasi kukus wat tu lagi bagus.. 
2. letak daun pandan dalam air kukusan.

 Untuk Sambal

1. tumbuk bawang putih sampai lumat... lepas tu masukkan cili padi.. tumbuk jugak tapi takyah lumat sangat...
2. panaskan minyak..
3. masukkan bahan yang dah tumbuk tadi.. 
4. masukkan air tepung jagung (tepung jagung tu sikit je.tak perlu banyak sangat, nanti jadi cam gam)
5.kacau2 and angkat.. xyah buh garam

untuk Sambal terung

1. tumbuk bahan bertanda *
2. panaskan minyak
3. masukkan bahan yang dah ditumbuk.. kacau2
4. masukkan cili kisar.. masak sampai pecah minyak..
5. taruk air asam jawa, garam, gula kicap..
6. campurkan dengan terung yang dh digoreng

Untuk sambal Kicap
1. tumbuk bawang putih dan cili padi sampai lumat..
2. tuangkan kicap abc.. (jgn bnyk sgt.. nanti cair.. kicap wong solo kan pekat.. kalau tercair, tambah balik bwg putih ngn cili padi biar balance balik)

so this is it.. inila hasil die bile dh di dalam pinggan..
mmg puas makan k.. leh tambah2.. hehe

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lipstick Collagen Treatment D'Herbs Testimoni

Ok so harini aku nak review sket pasal lipstick ni..
sblum tu nak cite sket la pasal bibir aku ni..
bibir aku ni mmg gelap.. waktu lahir dulu takdela gelap tapi mak aku dulu kecik2 suke sangat dress up kan aku and colet lipstick kat mulut aku..
xpasti la brand ape mak aku pakaikan dulu..
alih2 bile dah besar je aku pelik nape aku nye bibir hitam..
kawan2 aku nye bibir pink je..
ade waktu skolah dulu org ingat aku hisap rokok...
lol.. skolah kot... lol.. hahaha..adei.. meh jap nak cari gambar.. haa ni diee..

jelas nampak beza lips aku ngn lips kwn aku yg pink ponk tu.. jelesss gile..
anyway ni gambar lama... tahun 2008 kot.. kulit pon gelaps sgt before pakai aura maya.. haha.. tu pon produk terbaik gak..
t aku cite..
ok so.. macam2 la aku dh cube.. lipstick dodora lightning pigment essence tu la, mary kay yang lip mask ngn lip balm tu la..  and cara natural yg dh cube is mixture honey+glycerin+lemon.. katenye lemon tu mmg proven leh lightningkan skin.. and lagi satu seletkan ubat gigi (haha.. no no.. habes kering! jangan cube meleset sampai luka)
so dalam method yang kat atas ni... yg aku leh rekomen is mixture tu ade la nampak beza sket sbb die cam tanggalkan sel kulit mati same gak cam lip mask mary kay and sama gak kalau kite berus lips kite lepas berus gigi.. die cam exfoliator gitu..
ok tu cukup sampai situ..
then utk produk de herbs ni before aku cube.. aku google2 dlu tengok review2 kan...
aku serba salah antara due either nak try de herbs dulu or cosway cherry pink tu..
sbb aku bace cherry pink tu bnyk gak good review..
then last2 tu decide utk try de herbs la dulu.. ni haa gambar die..
ok so ni nak cite ni..

die nye lipsticks ni bile sapu mmg terus tukar kaler lips aku kemerahan2 gitu.. tapi kalau tengok warna lipstik ni warna peach gitu kan.. 
org kate ikut kaler darah la ape la.. aku nk test2 aku gi amik kertas aku pakai kan kertas tu lipstick tu..
kertas tu jadi kaler pink..
so ape yang aku boleh concludekan sini...
bukan la ikut kaler darah kite...
die ikut warna bibir kite..
kalau bibir hitam.. hitam ni die serap warna sket... so bile calit warna pink camni die xakan la jadi pink..
die akan jadi merah...
kenapa aku ckp camni sbb klo kate ikut warna darah kan... bile aku calit lipstick tu kat jari.. jari aku jadi kaler pink.. adakah warna darah kat jari and kat berlainan????? hahahhaa
so nampak kan skarang logic die..
casing die kalau tengok mmg cantik.. tp satula yang kekurangan nye..
lipstick tu rapuh, then casing lipstick tu plak besar.. banyak ruang die nak bergoyang2 bile kite tengah guna.. aku nye dah terpatah dh ritu tp aku sambung2kan balik.. lol... padahal takde la aku bile nak pakai tu twist sampai abes pusing.... aku pusing sket je kot.. tu pon bergoyang2..
patutnye de herbs kene wat packaging cam lip balm nivea aku.. yang casing die kecik je muat2 je lipstick tu.. so bile tolak sikit pon takde la bergoyang..
baru la secure sket...
ok so.. sbb aku nak testing bende ni bagus ke tak kan.. so mmg aku ade before and after picture la..
ni gambar before..

ni lepas sebulan

ni kalau bile dipakai..

so amacam? anyway ignore lubang hidung tu k.. malas nak crop..
so.. mmg ade beza kan.. tu gambar pagi td aku bangun.. tengok bibir cantik nye dh pink dh skett.. hehehe.. sukeee weh...
bile dh start nampak beza ni mmg aku salu la pakai die..bangun tido pas mandi pakai.. tido pon pakai
and die leh jadi lip stain seblum pakai lipstick...
anyway kalau perasan ade line tu sebab luke jatuh beskal kecik2 dulu.. habis rabak bibir.. lol..
ganas tul aku kecik2..
keke.. so.. tu jela.. sape yang nak try tu gi la try.. tak rugi pon... harga die rm25 leh cari kat kedai2 yang jual2 jamu tu. mesti ade punye.. okla.. daaa.... esok ade test ni.. nak study skettt.. 

Tabby dah discharge

hari ni gi amik tabby.. doc tu ckp tabby dah ok dh..
patutnye 4 hari duk ward tp 3 hari je la.. sbb dh ok..
so bil die instead of 400 tu actually jadi 210 je..
yes still expensive and inconvinient la kalau nak consider..
tabby nye kes tu leh perform on the spot je.. no need to be warded..
and considering time yg kite kene spent berhantar berambik..
tak ke leceh..
kalau boleh just wanna get it over with je..
then like i sed earlier die perform procedure yg same jugak.
and ubat yg die bagi pon same je cam vet govt cheras bagi...
duk kat ward satu malam rm 12 kali ngan 3 hari baru rm34..
so yg lain tu kos rawatan..
so mmg mahal la..
rawatan yg sama...
ubat yang sama but harga yg berlainan..
ouh lupe kene amik cuti 2 hari.. satu utk time antar.. satu lagi untuk time ambik..
so now still kene monitor tabby nye feces.. and kene la bagi ubat selalu sampai la die sehat betul2....
ni haa budak sakit buasir ni dah balik dah...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

tabby buasir

Sekali lagi tabby buasir..
hari tu dah bawak gi govt vet kat cheras tu..
dah jahit dah..
then cukup sminggu je...
die nye jahitan tu dah pecah..
doc kat govt vet tu cakap kalau pecah sekali lagi, bawak kat upm so dieorang leh proceed surgery jahitkan usus yg terkeluar tu ke tepi..
then tadi pagi pon pegi la vet upm tu..
ade la 4-5 orang student final year yang amik record history pasal tabby before doc masuk..
so when doc masuk..
doc chan nama die..
tanya mcm2 jugak pasal tabby..
pon aku ckpla nak wat surgery mcm ape yg doc govt vet tu ckp kat aku..
but then doc ni insisted tabby needs to be warded for 4 days and student2 tu terus gi amek special cage die and put tabby in the cage..
and doc tu give me quotation almost RM400..
and based on that quotation it only cost of sewing the rectal back..
no inside surgery..
terkejut jugakla dgr..
so right away ask abah to come in and listen to what ever the doc wants to say..
abah pon ckp jugak why tak proceed trus surgery becos we dh refer this matter at the govt vet.. and if it reoccur needs to come down here and proceed with surgery.. so then the doc said it is just a 2nd time cases, so we still gonna jahit them.. and if it occur back baru go with the final solution...
at that point i figured not to agree with it, sbb u just nak go with the same procedure.. better la i bawak dkat govt vet cheras tu they don't charge like woww mahal gile..
last time only cost me rm70 je..
tapi since die dh masukkan tabby in that special cage and like insisting to agreed on the quotation, i see abah just go with it...
simply sign the quotation and leave..
then when we got out back to the lobby.. saw an owner came out from the examination room with an empty cage like us..
i said "haaa.. ni mesti kene warded gak ni bah kan.?" then abah pon go borak2 with the owner pon said the same thing his cat needs to be warded do this test that test.. pening kepala owner tu being charged almost rm400 gak..
yela.. actually die cakap datang just nak vaksin je... first time die dtg... kucing die tak sakit pon... segar bugar je...
hadoiii la....
of course la we come taking in our pets for a budget this much this much..
then bile kene cmni, pening la kepala..
no wonder la ade case unclaimed cats..
lol. but surely takdela i intended leave tabby there..
ofcourse in 4 days gonna pick her up..
but seriously the first and the last la..
lets see tabby ok ke tak after discharge..
better just go to the govt vet in cheras tu.
the doctor is way nicer and they don't charge u ridiculous amount.
just within ur budget..

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Gempa bumi

hi... tetibe berminat plak nak tulis something here. harini kecoh betul pasal gempa bumi yang melanda sumatra tu... and ada banyak sgt org yang tak bertanggung jawab yg spreading false news. one of them saying that tsunami is coming towards malaysia at the speed of 800km/h. how is that possible? its like a speed of an airplane. and i believe if they are informing at that very moment, and when i read the false news about an hour after, the tsunami should have run me by then. sbb yg i tau la.. sumatra and kl distance die about 900++ km je. and theres a rumor saying that penang bridge is close then open then close back. airport phuket tutup la. tp kat tv ade evacuation notis at this two place.. so if they are ask to evacuate, knapa perlu tutup way out kan? pening and malas nak layan actually. mmg bodoh and bangang la kat org2 yg tak bertanggung jawab yg menyebarkan berita2 palsu tersebut. yela. org dah la cuak.. preparing for the worst scenario kan. gila kau kalau betul2 tsunami sampai kat tempat aku ni.. termenung kejap tengok muka bpk aku, mak aku.. adik aku kat tepi and pegi keluar cari kucing2 aku.. in my mind thinking mcm mana nak bwk diorg ni to get to higher ground. yelah.. maybe korg nak ckpla aku trauma sgt knapa kan. takkan la tsunami leh sampai puchong lak padahal gegar pon aku xrasa kan. manela tahu.. ko bukan bleh jangka pon. kalau nak jadi tu jadi jugak la.. ko buat kira2 pakai ilmu geologi ko pon dgn software ko smua cukup pon, kalau nak jadi tu jadi jugakla... kuasa tuhan kot.. ilmu ko dapat tu pon dtg dr tuhan. so jgn nak question sgt la.. haritu pon aku dgr ade gempa bumi kat bumi mersing.. skolah lama aku tu.. tp kat laut la.. 5km away from the shore. and it hit 5 scala ritcher. if 6 la aku rase mersing dh wash off from the map kot. how scary is that. ape petanda smua tu? pikir la sendiri kan. so tolong2 ade kesedaran diri, perbaiki diri menjadi yg lebih baik. and actually i'm proud of myself because of i'm no longer a ******. (xboleh nak tulis kat sini. takut ade tetamu xdiundang bace and jd masalah kat aku nanti). dh almost 4 month ok!. tapi aku admit la.. bnyk lagi yg perlu aku perbaiki dlm diri aku ni.. contohnya ****, **** (anggap je la aku sorg je fhm).. Ya Allah, kau bantulah hamba mu ini dalam mendekati diri Mu ya Allah. oklah till then.. just my 2cents ok.. nite.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

my new year is on march.

yeah. hey. hello everyone. here i am after a long hiatus. so. what now?
i think i may loss interest to blogging again. every time i want to write a new post i end up clicking the red-x button on the top right side.
i always think that if i burst every thought in my blogs, then i'm pretty much out of topic to talk about with my friends. its like im flashing "ouh i've written this in my blog, she might as well read it and it is no more a fun thing to be talk about."
but here i am. i'm actually talking about how i feel about blogging. is this post gonna make me change my believe? i wonder. lets just see when is the next post gonna be posted up.

oh yeah. anyway i miss bf so much. we have done much less talk, less date. i believe that his tight working schedules makes us grown apart. but there's nothing much can i do about it. on second thought, i must understand, he don't even have enough time to pamper himself like he use to. so, i might wanna take some time off him and let him do what he want. if he feel like talking, then we'll talk. if he feels like seeing me, then we'll go on a date. i just want the best for him. as long as his loyalty is only for me then i am fine with it. i don't expect him to give out much although i realize that we as human never satisfied of what we had. i tried to fight it. and true. it is hard. i fight myself from getting angry as when we get angry we will say a lot of bad things. and sure it will went on complicate things.