Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Joe mok birthday

Lol.. yesterday i'm celebrating joe mok birthday..
well actually his birthday is on 25th Oct but i decided to celebrate early cuz by wednesday i will not be around kuala lumpur nemore.. balik kampungggggggg... eh excited plak.. lol..
salu takde pong excited gitu..
ask joe mok to choose which restaurant he wanted to eat and memula tu tahla takde idea la.. pastu tetiba nak bubba gump..
okla.. had to belanja him this time.. as his birthday treat..
firstly we went to buy movie tix.. tengok cite taken 2.. the continuation of taken.. cite yg anak die kene kidnap nak kene jual kat umh pelacuran tu... then bapak die gi cari anak die and selamatkan anak die... mmg awesome la bile bpk die able to find the daughter in a big city within 72 hours.
so then  taken 2 ni is about the family of the abductor taking revenge at his father because of the death of their family..
start2 cite ade bacaan yassin kat kubur... family2 org jahat tu tgh bersedih sbb kematian anak, suami, cucu cicit dorang mati sbb matsalleh tu bunuh... first impression mcm biasela.. yg jahat kidnap org tu org islam.. so kat situ nampak mcm org islam jahat je... mat salleh tu bunuh org jugak padahal.. tp die baik sbb die nak slamatkan anak die dr tgn org jahat tu..
lol.. ape2 jelah labu.. malas nak komen.. hakikatnye islam tu tak jahat pon.. manusia tu yg jahat..
so kali ni bapak die ngan mak die yg kene kidnap.. and tunjuk la mcm mane bapak die nye skill leh tahu kat mane location yg kidnapper tu bawak die even die nye kepala kene tutup dengan guni...
so kesimpulan die.. cite ni okla.. cakap kat joe mok.. "taken yg 1st lagi best i rse.." die pon setuju.. "biasala tu.. salu cite2 camni yang 1st memang lagi best.. continuation ni salu cam kurang sket"
hehe... tu je la.. nak cite.
tetibe saket paler dtg.. jap upload gambar jap..

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