Monday, May 31, 2010


Syukur Alhamdullilah everything went perfectly well..
emm well? not really. my heels is killing me! oh my!
Only god knows how painful my leg was. My convo is during the morning session.
Thank god i manage to get to UiTM before the rain start pouring the earth heavily.
Later on mama and abah sampai. Around 8 am.
So, the ceremony starts.. it is actually one of the prestigious ceremony i have ever been... It takes place at the Dewan Sri Budiman, UiTM Shah Alam. dewan nye design cantek... x mcm DSG UiTM Jengka la.. Then the way how the ceremony start is very quick and efficiently. so that ppl wont feel the slightest chances of boredom while were in there. ;)

So afta abis.. its time for photography session.. I needed to find my parents surround all the crowds there n in that "killing shoes"!!. seksa gila k!. Afta that i went down meeting my bf. He takes a few pictures of me and my friends then we off to returning the robe. I can't help to stay any longer because of the unpleasant sunny day was seriously damn hot plus with my leg condition makes me decide to went off early.

Last but not least, i want to wish Congratulations to All Diploma in Science Students for your achievement. May our future efforts be equally successful and rewarding. ;)

with Physics clasmates. except for yuyue. ;p

3 years of good times. ;)

with syira and her roomates.. ;)

my dearest mama and abah. ;)

my intan payung, Joe. ;)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

How To Overcome Boredom

When we say that we are bored what we mean is that we feel empty inside and that we’ve become fed up with the situation we find ourselves in at that given moment or at the lack of activity in our lives at any particular instant.

Boredom can have its advantages as well as its drawbacks. On the downside, it can cause us to become complacent, can make us feel tired, jaded and listless and can make us procrastinate and become indecisive so in the end, we do nothing which just makes us even more fed up and bored. On the positive side however, it can often drive us into a state of creativity. Many inventors will tell you that some of the most brilliant ideas they’ve come up with were initially stimulated out of feeling bored.

So people, here's the tip on how to overcome your boredom sickness. Feel free to scroll down. :)

1. Like so many useful personal development tips, changing your attitude and outlook on life can have a very positive effect in how you perceive boredom. If you inspire yourself towards bigger and better goals, you’ll feel motivated and you can’t feel bored and motivated at the same time.

2. Your imagination is a powerful tool in the fight against boredom. Create visual images which stimulate you. Visualise who you want to be and where you want to go and you’ll find that feelings of boredom will soon dissipate. It's good doesn't it?? ;))

3. Talk to people even if you don’t know them. We’ve all been in a situation where we have to wait for something to happen. It could be waiting for a bus to come or sat waiting for your lecturer at their front door office. Look around and see just how bored everyone else is with waiting but if you strike up a conversation with them, even if that’s just to discuss how boring the hanging around waiting is, the time is bound to pass more quickly. You never know, the conversation could turn out to be more stimulating than you envisaged and you could also learn something new.

4. Create a fascination for the things that surround you. Much of the time we experience boredom because of the repetition of a regular routine which, in itself, might not be that stimulating. An example of this might be our daily walk to the bus stop. Sounds pretty mundane but it will be less boring if you perhaps hear a bird singing and wonder where it might be perched, or what kind of bird it is. Or look around at the people walking past you. Have you ever stopped to wonder what work they might be doing? It’s often fun to casually look at a person and imagine what they might do for a living simply based on their appearance and then to strike up a conversation with them and see how accurate you were or you might as well think of the nasties of them. What if he takes of his shirt? his pants?.. teehee.. naughty me. Of course, they don’t need to know anything about this.

5. Find something exciting or stimulating to do. You can read novels, watch or listen to something that may end up stimulating your mind or find yourself a new hobby.

6. Avoid boring people and situations wherever possible. That might not be realistic all of the time as you may find you’re working alongside somebody that bores you rigid. Even in that event, you can still keep your imagination ticking over and think about other things that stimulate you and which gives you something to look forward to. And, also ask the question – “am I sure the person is really that boring?. oh tolong!” It could well be that they are simply shy or reserved and, given enough encouragement, you might find that they have a lot of interesting things to say.

7. The basic premise to overcoming boredom however is refusing to succumb to it in the first place and to have a positive attitude about life and all of its possibilities.

So, if you have tried all of these 7 things i told u to do and you still can't get enough of your boredom sickness. I bet you might as well go check with the therapist to have a little chat so that they can bore you enough. haha.. ;)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Fantastic Trip To Redang Island

Baru je balik from Redang after spending 3 days 2 night there. bestt sgt2.. rase cam tak cukup je 3 hari.. too many things to do in a short of time. Me, Joe, Fasha, Daos, Kechik, Nadia, Radhi, Ayie and Ash meeting up at KLIA Airport at 7 a.m waiting to toss at 8 a.m. Joe ngan I bgun pukul 4pagi runner pegi rumah Fasha coz nak gerak skali dgn die.. her kind sista with her beloved bf yg tolong hantar kan kitorang. thnx bro n sis.. ;DD we arrived at Sultan Mahmud Airport at 9.30 a.m and there is lousy traveller guide waiting for us to get us to the jetty... kenapa tau...? sbab die drive sangat sangat macam cibai. and so so unwelcome us. unfortunately.. becos of die pnye driving skill yg agak cibai tu.. terlanggar la divider jalan. koyak kauu tayarr.. haha.. tukar tayar tak pasal. dah buang masa.. terengganu boleh tahan jugak ye tahap kepanasan die... huhu... ok den nak pendek kan cite.. we ol sampai di Laguna Redang Island Resort at around 1pm. kat sini sronok sgt sbab layanan die sangat best... sampai2 je dey greet us with a refreshment drinks. it is good for those who mabuk2 laut.. the room is big. the view and surrounding mesmerized me!. it is paradise..! ok full stopp.. so we get everything ready... we had our snorkelling.... 3 times.. but we manage to go only 2.. sbab sagt2 penat ok yang!!. one at the open deep sea.. one at the marine park.. at marine park we saw eel yg like so huge OK. and we oso had our snorkeling at the sea in front of the hotel. we went for shark hunting and yeah i sangat batak becos ni first time i actually berenang saing saing dengan jerung k. hehehehe... overall sgt best. looking forward for another vacation. Thanks to people who make the trip as unforgettable moment.

the scenery from the lobby.. cantikk kan?

crystal clear. ;D

The girls

The boys
Nak balik dh. sob sob sob.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Happiness is always a by-product. It is probably a matter of temperament, and for anything I know it may be glandular. But it is not something that can be demanded from life, and if you are not happy you had better stop worrying about it and see what treasures you can pluck from your own brand of unhappiness.

I'm currently feeling very very happy and i felt intensely relieved as i overpass my exam scheduling. I am preparing myself for having a great fully enjoyment holidays.

Monday, May 3, 2010

With Amiey. ;DD

hehe.. smalam hari jumpe Amirah Hazwani. :DD
one of my forever bestie. Kwn nyanyi2 lagu 'N sync waktu kat MRSM dulu. and a shoulder to cry on. :D
supposedly nak jumpe dgn Pa'in skali.. tp unfortunately Pa'in busy sgt sgt. so i go meeting amiey alone at Pak li Sek 7 Shah Alam memandangkan amiey pon duk kat sek18 je.. dekat sangat dh tu.
Funny how si amiey ni leh sesat. ape da org shah alam pon sesat! hampes... then she said.. "yela syaz.. aku jarang jalan2 sini.. skang duk indon. jln2 indon la.. hahahaha".. :p
story short. we take dis chance to borak sampai lebam.. and makan amiey yg blanja. thanx amiey. Muahxxx! ;DD
Syg Amiey.! ;D